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John Sansom(Sam)no12 | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Dave
You are the last one that should have to make up any deficiency after the reunion, without your family and other helpers there wouldnt be a reunion, and what with running the web site as well there should be no question of it.I am sure something can be worked out John S
13 November 2009 - Hertford

pikey | wheretimestands@still.goldings.uk
mr mainwerring you missed the n out of walmington-on-sea my mummy said so and dont be hard on her when you see her tonight remember your 60 now not 21
got you thinking now mainwerring what are you going to say now
13 November 2009 - shed at the bottom of your garden

When l was walking down Goldings Lane l saw some thing moving behind a tree so being in Mainwerrings army l slowly walked and found, ("Oh Mr Mainwerring what are you doing with Ginger 10 fags") just getting some fags for Private Walker,
Thats nice maybe you could give Jones some to lend a helping hand, as two hands are better then one. "Is that a pair of Blue-tits there no they're Robins l know its cold out here.
Mainwerring said how's your mum now after being with Bluehit oh she's alright now after fixing the well with Uncle Arthur when they both went down in it and came out covered in mud, l dont know why they got so dirty must be the way they did it like you Mr Mainwerring.
l am off to see Hodges now to see if he will buy me a drink, last time he give me the cow so l could get some milk and said ask Godfrey for a teabag, maybe he might take his hands out of his pocket and put a belt on to hold them up.
Oh hello Bluehit, my mum said if l see you to say thank you for fixing her water works, maybe l might have that wrong anyway the well is working now, we can have a wash behind our ears, Skip said have you had a wash this morning in the canteen as he puts the pongy on the plate yes sir.
13 November 2009 - stand by your beds

44 years on no8
It was a dark autumn night about 9-30pm when Mainwerrings army was on the move for the cider for the Christmas pudding as Bluehit was hiding behind the white fence at the bottom of his garden.
When he watched Mainwerring call his men over to steal the Vicar Nixon’s apples to make the cider, as Godfrey was first to grab a hand full with Mainwerring right behind him putting them down his shirt as fast as he could. Hodges is keeping digie eye, Sergeant Wilson was telling Jones to stop talking to Walker and Pikey. When there was a big shout by Mainwerring a Bee had just stung him on his belly, this made Bluehit come running out from the back of the fence with his pants down followed by Pikeys mum. Oooooooh Uncle Arthur what's my mum doing with Mr Bluehit, ooh he is showing her how to clean and Strip a pump, oh that’s ok maybe she can now fix the well as we have no water.
12 November 2009 - Bottom of the well

The Goldings Concert Commitee
The theme for this years christmas concert before we break up for Christmas will be titled
"Dads Army Rescues The Christmas Pudding Before Hitler Arrives"
It will be centred around Jack Coopers Kitchen and the stone passage way and they will protect it from the invaders using Skips quarters as the last line of defence.Like every year the staff are incapable of helping due to spending all day down the Waterford Arms after using our Saturdays pocket money to buy drinks.
Pops been on the whisky,Pinheads doing the gin singing (badly) show me the way to go home! Embo's drinking bitter,Skips been drunk all day on brandy shouting "they don't like it up um" and Nixons on alcopops,Nobby Clark has been ejected for trying to play Jack Coopers clarinet and singing rude football songs!and is now sleeping it off in the sewing room.The story unfolds that once again the boys are relied on to protect the pudding after again being let down by the drunken staff and when they sober up I suppose once again we will be called to parade and uttered the yearly words "If anyone ask's from Barnardo's tell them the staff were locked in the chapel singing hymns" O dear the things we have to do to protect our mentors!
The Characters for the show has now been choosen,and are listed below.
Mr Bluehit (the gardener)Paul Walkeden.
Sargent Wilson (Brian Perrier)
Jones the Butcher (when we was in the Sudan with general Kitchener) (Tony Angell.)
Pikey (Bobby Mac)
Mainwerring (Blower)
Hodges (put them lights out!) (Peter Drummond.)
Private Walker (Micky Gay)
Godfrey (may I be excused) (Tommy Hill)
The Vicar (Nixon) cause he's only been drinking alcopops!
Pikeys Mom (Mal)
Look forward to seeing you all down the gym and no booing!
9 November 2009 - Walmigton-on-Sea

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