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Hello Lisa, welcome to our Goldings site. As you maybe unaware I am compiling the fasinating history of Goldings in book form, along with this site to tell younger generations of children and grandchildren of Goldings Boys and beyond, the unique standing that Goldings held in the Barnardo story (what a wonderful film it would make) and as you mention, a lot of them didn't want to talk about it! along with the long term stigma of being in Barnardo's which incidently in my later life I struggled with, but now I'm quite proud. I have some Goldonians from the period you mention (it was the school magazine)and I will try and look up his name and any information that is relevant to you. The oldest "Goldonian" we know to was there in 1936 and still pratices his trade today. Sheetmetal Work, his name is Robert Sheridan and I could ask him if you want to talk to him about that period. Any information you are looking for don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for looking in, and contacting the site...Goldings.
28 October 2009

Lisa Thornton-Lane (nee Wright) | lisa@midlandforklifts.co.uk
My grandfather Harry George Wright went to Goldings from Stepney at the age of 14. He was there from Oct 1932 until June 1934. He trained as a carpenter/joiner and went to "situation" in Kettering, Northants as an apprentice. He then continued with carpentry in the Army during WW2. He then returned to the same company after the war (even though he had lost a leg in the D Day landings). He then stayed at the same company until he retired. Both my brothers have followed in his footsteps and both have their own carpentry businesses. My grandad sadly died in 1990 and it is with regret that no-one in the family knew about his time with Barnardo's or at Goldings as he was a very private person and to him it was "what's in the past, stays in the past"
I have looked around this fasinating website trying to find out what Goldings was like in the early 30's (ie how many to a dorm, what was the daily routine etc) but unfortunately most of the recounts are from much later. Is there anybody out there that knows where I can find out a bit more about the early 30's?
28 October 2009 - Northamptonshire

Hi Dave and Mal good photo's of the Sheetmetal Workers, it just shows you on those pictures how many trees have been taken out, I bet Embo is turning in his grave if he saw Goldings now. If he ever caught you climbing them you would be on report, that was the good thing about scrumping, you was hid by the gardens walls and you would always have somebody keeping "diggy eye". Dave can you ask Peter if he can get another 12 bottles of Goldings Ale. Well hope to see you soon Dave regards, Paul.
28 October 2009 - stoke

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
As many of you are aware, my daughter, Marina, recently ran in the Cardiff Half-Marathon, raising in excess of £1,000 for Dr. Barnardos. Although she did the running and Dr. Barnardos want her to feature in their advertising, it was only through the generosity of those that sponsored her that raised the cash.

Marina has now been contacted to run in the London Marathon, something that she has wanted to do for some years now. Again, it will be to raise monies for Dr. Barnardos. I shall, of course, sponsor her, as well as paying the registration fee. After all, her reason for running and raising this cash, is to pay back to Dr. Barnardos for all they did for me, and poor lass, says she is happy with her dad!

I would venture to suggest that those wishing her to feature in their On Line Magazine and Fundraising Site, also have a link to this site and our reunions. After all, her reasons for fundraising and doing so for Dr. Barnardos, is because of what staff and the environment at The William Baker Technical School, (Goldings) did for me.

Therefore, to this end, we shall request support from all Goldings Old Boys, family and friends, to seek to gain recognition of our site, http://www.goldings.org through their sites.

I have spoken with both the Web Master and my daughter, and within the next week, or so, we hope to have a profile page on site to keep you all updated on events.

Once again, I extend my warm thanks to all those that supported Marina, and look forward to your continued support in the events she hopes to compete.

Thanks for reading this.

From a proud and happy dad and a Goldings Boy.
28 October 2009 - The Fens

Cliff Steele (Pop)
In answer to Bobby Mac's query. The boy with Princess Margaret I am sure is Roy Capon.
27 October 2009

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