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Viewing messages 3611 to 3615.
Happy Birthday John Sansom for yesterday
16 November 2009

sgt wilson AKA Brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
what i would like to encourage for some finance is to offer up my body yes large lumps of it if people would like to pledge 10p per kilogram upto the week before the next reunion and would you please take the pledges the starting weight will be from the last reunion which was 157kg my target weight loss will be 57kg come on support the fatman
16 November 2009 - sunny herts

Well that's now got some people thinking! Reunions cost money! and I don't want the caring few, which include Woody to make large donations were a small donation by all, would solve the problem.
As most of us are aware Woody was instrumental in protecting the reunion in the time we had a crisis, and was the spur for me to become involved for which we all should be eternally grateful, but for a man who is usually so eloquent with his words this time his intentions were not very well written. As most of us know Woody over the last few years has not suffered the best of health as was apparent at the reunion with his oxygen tank alongside him, but saying that he made it. Please remember that Woody is in constant contact with me with thoughts and ideas which would help the reunion but I must admit I took the opportunity of his message to hammer the fact of our current situation as regards funding the reunions so I must now apologise to him for doing it, but it has got some people thinking! but unfortunately I can't reach all who was at the reunion but come October 2010 all will be solved of that I am sure. Sometimes a little bit of controversy stimulates people's thoughts!
Take care Woody,
Dave and family.

Many thanks Len for jumping to the defence of the Reunion and our Team
16 November 2009 - We will survive

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
Len, I would gladly give you an answer to your question, with reference as to why I asked for Bank Account details.

Simply to put in some cash.

Maybe you misread my earlier post, maybe you misunderstood my intentions.

But at no time have I given reason for anyone to doubt my good intentions towards Goldings and the Reunion.

Hoping this will clear up any misunderstanding.
16 November 2009 - The Fens

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Why does a certain person want to see the Accounts for the Reunion funding what has he done in the past & what does he expect to do in the Future? I know from Experance it takes a hell of a lot of time & effort to run such an event Dave you &your's & helpers do a fantastic job . All the Accounts are on the web site for all to View if any one thinks I am speeking out of turn then I'M SORRY. I remain a friend & brother to all my Ex Goldings boys. Len.
15 November 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

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