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bob and roma
thanks Pop for the guys name maybe dave could find a bit about him now we have his name are you catching this dave ha ha take care all Bob and Roma
1 November 2009 - Bahamas

As I watched the children's faces shining in the bonfire's blaze on 5th November, I thought back on my own childhood in Scotland. But at this time of year (31st October actually), we used to celebrate, not Gunpowder Plot, but Hallowe'en, or the eve All Hallow. Naturally we looked forward to the occasion and prepared well in advance. We made false faces and fancy dresses, and lanterns from hollowed-out turnips. We brushed up our "party piecess" Which we would sing or recite to our friends and parents to earn the traditional apple or penny. But the climax was our Hallowe'en party, and what a time we had. Our large kitchen was cleared, a big tin bath was produced and filled with water, and lots of red, juicy apples were dropped in. They were given a good "swirl" and then the age-old "dookin for apples" began. We each tried in turn to fork an apple or to lift one out of the bath by biting it and holding it between our teeth. Then we jumped to bite the "treacle scone" suspended almost out of reach, or dug our spoons into the tub of mashed potatoes, hoping that we should be lucky enough to find a silver coin. The party ended, as always, with our turning off the lights, lighting our home-made lanterns and drawing up our chairs to listen to eerie ghost stories in the flickering firelight—always a little bit afraid of the shadows outside our half-circle.
Goldonian Win 1956
31 October 2009 - MARY HASWELL (Member of Staffs wife)

Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
of course I will get you another 12 goldings I will let you know when i've got them ok bruv
31 October 2009 - Chatham

Lisa Thornton-Lane
Hi Dave
Thank you so much for the reply.

I am aiming to put together a “dossier” of his life with as much information as I can. Hence the need for info concerning his time at Goldings in 1932 – 34 when he was taught carpentry. Any information / assistance will be fantastic about this part of his life ie, who was the Governor in 1932 – 1934 and who would have taught carpentry in those years?
Many thanks again
29 October 2009

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
I think we need to update contact details.
29 October 2009 - The Fens.

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