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Alan Dearman
Take a look at the 2008 Goldings cup Final pictures in Photo Gallery!!!!!!
10 October 2009 - Nottingham

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi all, just spoke to Dave on the phone, he informd me there are now 2009 Reunion photos on the REUNION INFO page. Mal will put them on the Photo Gallery later.
I would not of thought of looking there, and there are more to come, as they come in.
Bye for now.
10 October 2009 - LONDON

Email received John Burr
Thankyou for giving me Vic Rowlands email address, I have emailed him so I wait to see if he replies.
It was nice to see so many people at the reunion, and I must try to come along in the evening next year. I assume that Pop Steele is possibly the only master still alive, which is a shame a few of the photo's of the masters really look dated for instance Mr Shepherd the school teacher looked like someone out of Neville Chamberlain's government, but you didn't see them like that in 1963 and he wasn't that old then. These people would be lost in today's world, but there were some good times and I am glad that I did go there it was an experience that wouldn't happen today. I was no.12 somerset house / shakelton bay and John Moody was the senior chap there, I wonder where he is ? or Gordon Hughes, Michael Hultum, Shorne Kane so many.
Thanks once again and for all you do, you've got my support and hope it goes on for a long time yet.

Best Wishes
John Burr
9 October 2009

email recieved Mick Crowe
Hi there Dave,
Hope you all got back safely.
Just want to say a very big thankyou for all the effort you and wife put in and for such an enjoyable time.
Dave if you send me your address I will send you a CD with all the photo's I took on it .
Once again Thanks alot for all you did.
Mick Crowe
9 October 2009

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Well what can I say? This years reunion must be, if not the best ever, and I have attended many since the early 1980s. It was fantastic to see so many old, and a few new friends. It was also an International event with old boys from Canada & Australia. It was also nice to see our former head of aftercare, Collette Bradford who flew over from Dublin to be with us. The caterers were fantastic by providing a superb dinner. It was that good, I had seconds of both dinner and pudding. Prior to that, we were well fed and watered all day by the ladies (and men) in the kitchen and my thanks go to them and all those who made our special day even more special. As for numbers attending, it seemed like hundreds but I did a quick count on those seated at dinner and I made it about 105. One of the highlights of the weekend, was the Cabaret provided by Mr Blower in the White Horse hotel late on Saturday night. Dave, thanks to you and your family from the bottom of my heart for making the day so successful and I will forward some pictures soon.
7 October 2009 - Nottingham

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