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Happy Birthday Woody,why didn't you wait untill the 5th,you could have been the "guy" at Goldings instead of that image of Drummond! which wouldn't light!due to being "wet" round the ears! Happy Birthday.
4 November 2009 - From all at Goldings

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Thanks Dave, I phoned Dixie when we heard Roy had arrived,Jimmy spoke to Dixie and was told, he will be back next year.
4 November 2009 - LONDON

Tony I have been through the guest book for any address or contact number but it appears he didn't sign it.I have also gone back on the old visitors book (1990-2002)but nothing! I do know he was talking to Dixie Dean who I will ring tonight at the reunion,after that I'm struggling unless any one else can help?
3 November 2009 - Walsall v Stourbridge in the cup

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi all,I understand Roy Capon came to the Reunion just before the afternoon break.I had just left with Jimmy Page to the Hotel were we heard that Roy had arived, but he had left by the time we got back. Jimmy was looking forword to seeing him as they were best mates in Goldings.So if you have any contact details for Roy could you let me know.
2 November 2009

No 22
Right then No8, Roy Capon came to Goldings in August 1957.He was member of Aberdeen,and Pop was the housemaster.He was taught Sheetmetal Work in Mr DeBoecks shop and the official write up when he entered Goldings says from Boarding Out!
He was Senior Winner in Winter 1960 of the Sheetmetal Award,and he also gained his Drumming Certificate with the band.He left in December 1961 described as Trade situation (apprentice).
I cannot source his house number or if he was in receipt of the Goldings delicacie's,that special meat ration? given to us with the porridge,but if he was I'm sure he will recall it with horror as I did!
Footnote...Now the old house has gone up market with clientele it is rumoured that the little blighters keep falling in their caviar!!!
1 November 2009 - Windy Walsall

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