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Thinking back all those years ago Goldings would have been a hive of activity with this weather on our well renowned SLIDE!
From the cherry tree down to the rec hut...not for the faint hearted!
Embo in the background waiting for us to go to bed so he could tip sand on it before the morning,then getting up the next day and starting to rebuild it!I wonder if any staff secretly tried it out when we were not around?
I can just see "Pop" flying down it just to show us that he enjoyed as well! Until Mr Wheatley bellowed out! "Mr Steele act your age" Did we feel the cold in 62-63 bad winter I don't recall...a lot younger then!
Well got to dash off to Tesco's...for a warm!
P.S. Can anyone that way, get me a picture of the snow at Goldings as we don't seem to have many.I would do it but it's 270 round trip for me.
5 February 2009

"SNOW joke Tony there SNOW way of getting to work for some.
ICY more snow is on it's way tonight so lets GRIT our teeth and wish we were in the Bahamas with Bobby Mac or even SUNderland with Tommy!!!"
4 February 2009

Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
I just cant believe it, your very lucky to have a job these days.
I hear people are taking days of work just because of the snow its ridiculous.
Its snow excuse,you get my drift!!!!
Fairy cake
4 February 2009 - London

Over heard in Chatam Tesco!
Have you heard the latest! Rafa Benitez tried yesterday to sign Prince Harry before the transfer deadline...he had heard he had been dropped by Chelsey!!
3 February 2009 - Up the SADDLERS

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
2 February 2009 - Nottingham

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