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email recieved D M Willacy
Many apologies.I AM losing the plot. The Goldings Final at St Albans is on Monday 27 April and NOT 27 March.
I ask your indulgence or my p45
David Willacy
19 February 2009

Webmaster comments   Thanks for the query Alan

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave, thanks for the info about the Goldings u14s cup final and look forward to knowing the full details. In the mean time, if you want to throw your toys out of the pram, I will take my own snap!!
On the subject of food. I well remember the dining hall being closed and the Rec being used as the "Goldings Restaurant" It was horendous as there was no heating in the place and you could not warm your hands on the Grogg as that was almost cold. The place was damp, cold, wet and smelt musty. How we ate our meals in there I will never know. Health and safety would have had a field day. But what memories we have and only a goldings boy will know what they mean to us.
Don't know anything about the shoes but I know in one of the photo's is Mr Tordoff who was my tutor and who I owe so much for teaching me my leather work skills for which I gained employment with a local shoe shop in Nottingham then later spent 25 years as a prosthetic technicial, making and repairing Artificial legs at the Nottingham City Hospital.
18 February 2009 - Nottingham

Yes Pop your memory is second to none.
Goldonian Winter 1956.
I would like to thank Mr Newton for use of the Gymnasium on Mondays for our practice periods; this is much better for it is lighter and warmer than the Recreation hut,which had to be taken into use as a Dining Hall whilst our permanent Dining Hall was being re-roofed.
"I bet those meals were freezing cold by the time they reached the Rec hut from the kitchen?" Even the cockcroaches wore gloves!!
17 February 2009 - Hostess...keeps your food warm!

Have you heard about Peter,was at the doctors Friday..burnt his earholes!!
The Doctor said "How have you done that"
"Well Ann was out, who usually answered the phone,so when it rang I picked it up but it was the iron" ! At this the Doctor frowned at him confused "Well how did you burn the other one?"
"Somebody then rang me back!!"
17 February 2009 - b.t. engin ear

Yes Alan it is a Friday,and this year it is at St Albans,I will get more details were it is and the address so we can meet up but don't this year start eating the food before you have permission...you are not at Goldings now!! I will if I remember bring the "Goldings Awards" including the one for Marion Jarvis for Barnardo's to present to her...see ya soon Dave.
17 February 2009 - waiting for spring?

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