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Happy 60th birthday for tomorrrow Tony (6th March). Have a great day.
5 March 2009

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Dave I hope you and all the family are well, I know a George Sandman who was a master at Goldings, after the war, 1949, just after I had left. I wonder as you say he remembers Scoffer,if you were talking to the same person, and he misunderstood the question. Perhaps John Horn knows if there was a master of that nameduring the time he was there?
4 March 2009 - Hertford

To John Horn or anyone who was at Goldings in the war years.I have now completed with what knowledge I have compiled from various source's most of the history from the 20's and 30's of Goldings with Fred Barnes and require more info of the war years to enable me to complete the book,as the 50's and 60's I have most of it so far.Were was the trench's up top field? The windows were blacked out but I am led to beleive they ran out of black paint.Were all the dorms moved to ground floor? for the safety of the boys.Mr Battel(staff) was killed by the printers clock tower after concern for the boys safety? I have just put the phone down after talking to Mr Sandman (staff in the war years)and he still remembers Scoffer? Any help will be welcome..Dave
28 February 2009 - World at War

CLIVE GILLINGHAM 50`s Somerset. | c.gillingham1@btinternet.com
Hello to the visitor to our website,do what i do and turn the sound off on your computer. Hope you enjoyed the site and visit again.
To all the lads out there Hello, may see you at our Reunion in October, take care.Love the wit of some of you guys, keep it up.
28 February 2009 - Misty Essex

Visitor | visitor@visitor.co.uk
Lovely website. Is there a button to turn the sound off??
27 February 2009 - UK

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