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Viewing messages 3986 to 3990.
What word if you remove one letter makes it longer!
8 February 2009 - snowed in

The Mechanic | workshop@walsall.com
Dave pushes his KIA into a petrol station. And tells the mechanic it died.
After the mechanic works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.
Dave says, 'What's the story?'
He replies, 'Just crap in the carburetor'
Dave asks, 'How often do I have to do that?'
7 February 2009 - the Garage

Alan Dearman 55-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
On a recent visit to PC World in Barkingside, I overheard what was obviously an Essex girl, asking an assistant where the curtain department was. The assistant told her that they don't sell curtains.The girl replied, "Hellooo! my computer's got Windows!!
7 February 2009 - Back in Nottingham

Onehung Lo
Nez time yu order Chinese tak awa we deliver,nowy spilly chips!but we don't serve Blower,he bad news like his mate Bulldog Drummond no payee.
6 February 2009 - Lotus Eating House

angell | tonynotthepainter@aol .com
Tuppence for your thoughts Mal, where did I go wrong. As it was icy I told Anne to grit her teeth like dave said, she said I'll try that but alas, she slipped fell on her back side, chips all over the road, came in and said your mate Blower is as useless as you are, and went to bed, left the chips in the kitchen and I had to go and get them my self. After looking all over the kitchen I eventually found where the knives and forks were kept, but what would we do with out you?
"Just thought the cafe down the road is doing a 2 for 1 deal, so no problem."
Him in doors
5 February 2009 - Sunny London

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