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Viewing messages 4176 to 4180.
Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
Dave,the new menu's created for this year's reunion by you, Ann, and Mal were a great success the soup was a welcome bonus, the extra menu for those who did'nt eat pork was also a very good idea and was appreciated by all, the hard work by Ann Mal and Ellen to get food ready and plated up was an achievement in it's self, the teamwork shown for the cleaning up after the event was exceptional and we have now got a excellent benchmark for future reunions
5 October 2008 - kent

Len & Chris | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave, Mal & Family thank you again for all the hard work you all put in to make our day . not forgeting Brian & Wive's & all those behind the kitchen wall, you all worked so hard . The food all day was excellent.The roast was good value for money.The Reunion is getting better every year.It was great meeting up with so many friends .I wont put name's to any one of them because they where all great & they have all got different story's to tell roll on next Reunion
5 October 2008 - Slough Colnbrook

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Dear Dave and Mal have a safe journey,
I've just seen the new front page, and I'm looking forword to seeing you all again Saturday, dont forget the bugle as I would like to play, come to the cookhouse all boys, at meal time.
1 October 2008 - london

I shall be leaving for Hertford tomorrow early but for anyone who may need to get in touch this is my mobile No. 07970 633501
See you all Saturday
1 October 2008 - On my way

I would like to on behalf of all Goldings Staff and Boys wish Mike Smith Kerr our best wish's,and we shall look forward to meeting you at the next re-union.
1 October 2008 - William Baker Technical School

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