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Viewing messages 4171 to 4175.
Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Keith it was great that you made it to your first Reunion welcome to the fold of the old boys , I always think it cannot get better but it does.They all put there heart into it to make a great day for us all ..Hi Alan Dearman thank you for the chat look after your self & your lovely wife ( SIGNED the joke factory )Ha Ha you know what I mean.
7 October 2008 - Slough Colnbrook

Keith Bishop | keithbishop@tiscali.co.uk
Hi Dave Had a great time for a first reunion, I'm sure they'll only get better,thanks to all who made it possible
6 October 2008

confushus says
self praise is no recomendation love you all
6 October 2008 - intheslowlane@knackardsyard.com

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Dave and Mel
I couldnt agree more with the rest of the thank you letters, what a great day and an excellent meal to finish thanks to you and all your helpers. To our fellow Old Boys who couldnt make it this year, I hope to see you next time. Good health to everyone Sam
6 October 2008 - Hertford

Thanks to Dave, Mal, Brian and all the others who spent so much time making Saturday such a success. I enjoyed meeting and talking, looking at the photos, artefacts and reading printed material and of course eating the prepared food. Thanks for making me so welcome.
5 October 2008 - 73 miles from Goldings

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