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Clive Gillingham. Ex Somerset House | c.gillingham1@btinternet.com
Happy Birthday Alan, from all the Old Goldings Boys. Never mind mate we all love you. See you at the Reunion.
12 July 2008 - Dog house as usual

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
happy birthday alan
see you at the next howdown..
the brotherhood
12 July 2008 - chiswick

the stallion
we had a service for mrs embleton in our church can anybody remember where she was buried i thought it was in the cemetery on the way to hertford north looking forword to the reunion paul and family
12 July 2008 - stoke on trent

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Well the Postman has been this morning and NO Birthdays cards for to-morrow(13th July) they must have all been lost in the post again, just like last year!!!
12 July 2008 - still in Nottingham( I Think!!! )

Went into a webisite of postcards www.francisfrith.com and looked up Waterford - expecting to find some postcards of Goldings - there weren't any. I left a good plug for this site as a 'memory' There's a postcard of the Windmill Tea Rooms - I'll leave it to your members to add their memories for there !!!
11 July 2008

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