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overheard in Mr Sheppards class room in 1963
"Peter Drummond what is 1+1"
"2 sir"
"Ok Peter what is 2+2??
"Thats easy sir 4?
"Very good Mr Drummond"
"What is 4+4"
"Thats not fair Mr Sheppard I have run out of fingers"
22 March 2007 - The sum of his time in goldings

Peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
I was just looking after frank's sweets because blower was about
21 March 2007 - police station

twos up
"just looking after it" you was always looking after it?? our bacca,treacle,sausages,milk,anything you could lay your hands on!!!!but we never got it back.you got our re-union compere into trouble,if i had been the captain on your ship i would have made you walk the plank.if you look on the film in the science class closely you can see you have got your hands in frankie irons pocket!!!
21 March 2007 - houston

brian | thebyclesheds@kingscross.com
who said kings cross or is that guilt
20 March 2007 - archway

Peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
I didn't steal it I was just looking after it and it wasn't kings cross it was Euston
20 March 2007 - home

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