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brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
if anyone knows Joan Lambal of aftercare just a note to tell you she is retireing /being made redundant on friday so if you want to give her a call i'm sure it will be apprietiated
27 March 2007 - stevenage

Athletes Foot
Bob,it was called the triple jump to most of us,but to you and Walkenden it was "A Hop,Skip,and Jump" To Drummond it was"Hop Scotch" and Perrier"Time to hide in the abluctions,and Angel well
"Mr Newton can we go in now it's getting COLD"
27 March 2007 - My Side of the Pond

no 8
l remember the sand pit in the bottom feild and bob had us doing the hop skip and jump l think it just came outnothing like the high jump
26 March 2007 - over the pond h/w

father time
Don't forget that in 1 hours time the clocks go forward, yes Peter we go forward into Spring and fall back in the Autumn. so when you wake up in the morning you will have lost 1 hour, you wern't drunk it really happened.
24 March 2007

from an old Goldonian 1951
My first is in Hertford but not in Ware,
My second is found in rye.
While my third can be found in Mule or Mare,
And the fourth in "hue and cry",
My fifth is in shell you will find on the shore
My sixth is in many a clue.
My next is in iron and also in ore,
And my eighth is in billiards cue.
My next is in ninth, which you'll find is at home.
While my tenth is in Chester or Crewe;
My next is in Naples but never in Rome,
And my twelfth is me but not you.
My thirteenth and last is in Perin.
For contrast you'll find it in champ,
My whole I feel sure you'll look forward to,
And I hope while you're there it's not damp.
John Langdon 1951
22 March 2007

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