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the roly polys
Paul Walkenden has been put on a diet by Jan its a see food diet if he sees food he eats it.He has promised to try and get down to his weight at goldings and every pound he loses he will donate a £1 to the re-union fund so if he does get down to his former weight the re-union will be free for the next five years.He called in at Burtons to be measured for a suit,they sent him to a tent factory,so if anybody is near Camden Lock get that bike out for him he needs it !!!!!
20 March 2007 - audi paul

sh sh you know who
yes brian and he's been telling on all of us ever since the little hello sailor chap
20 March 2007 - camden lock

brian | thebycleshed@kingscross.com
yea then dumped it in camden lock and blamed me
19 March 2007 - archway

Peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
When I was at Goldings I use to pray every night for a new bike, then mr Nixon told me the lord doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me
19 March 2007 - Kent

Paul Walkeden
Hello everyone from me Jan and Katie
Paul Walkeden Somerset 63-65
18 March 2007

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