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brian | madman@roundthebend.co.uk
laugh out loud
15 March 2007 - you know where

Big head | can't get my head through this door.com
Brian I even surprise my self how good I am but then wasn't I always the best artist at Goldings. Mal tries but only under my supervision!!
14 March 2007

three steps from heaven
one day many years ago in the winter of 1958 three pelham boys were summond to mr wheatley for bad behavior in the dorms alan d david b and brian c.
mr wheatley decided to change the punishment i'm taking you three to the spiral stair case, and as we climb the stairs i will tell a joke on each step, and if you laugh i will cane you the amount of steps left they started off and five steps up brian c burst out laughing there were 25 steps still left. when 12 from the top david b burst out laughing, and he should have known better because he was a monitor.
finally they were one step from the top when alan d was folded up laughing
mr wheatley said alan i know you are in snobs but you did so well so why did you start laughing so close to the finish,
"well mr wheatley i've just got that joke on the first step that was funny"
14 March 2007 - mr wheatleys office

brian perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
dave you have surpassed yourself again[or is it mal]the front page is great keep up the good work with the only true goldings site
14 March 2007 - stevenage

ALAN DEARMAN | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Three Naked men in a sauna, an American,Japanese and an Irishman. They heard a beepin sound, the American touches his arm and says "thats my pager, I have a microchip under my skin". Next a phone rings and the Japanese man lifts his palm to his ear, "he says I have a microchip in my han". The Irishman feeling very lowtech went to the toilet and came back with toilet paper hanging from his back side, and says "Oh jaysus,would you look at that, I'm receiving a fax"
12 March 2007 - Nottingham

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