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Viewing messages 4981 to 4985.
frank ifield
its monday morning,skint spent my 2-9d pocket money my baccas going dry been put on report the film this thursday is summer holiday on my way down to the workshops play footie in the play pen at dinner time my luck must get better tuesday still im a goldings boy
12 March 2007 - i remember you oo

Mr Embletons trouper
hi man peace hic hic cleared the weeds the lawn now looks great im on my third glass of coke keeping of the la---g-er got to go my round sh----ssss
9 March 2007 - on the wagon

steve J Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | chambar@btinternet.com
Hi Folks
Have'nt sent a message since last year.
But see your all as nutty as 1965.
Sad about Bob Newton, my heart goes out to him and he's family. As for Angel wish you'd give either the weed or the drink up, but think maybe it's all to late, so enjoy and have one on me when your down on the South Coast.
Keep smilling
9 March 2007 - Bounemouth West Cliff via Casino

brian perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
amen to that winnie
9 March 2007 - stevenage

Winston Norton | Winnrtn@aol.com
It's Friday morning. The sun is shining. The weekend starts this afternoon. I've got a few bob in my pocket. I am a Goldings Old Boy. Ain't it good to be alive?
9 March 2007

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