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dusty bin
i was gonna send in a joke about a wheelie bin!!!but it was rubbish
21 February 2007 - rubbish

A. Dear Man
Now that blower has learnt how to make tea,it appears that since that rare episode he has now opened a mobile cafe on the A.1.near Letchworth,specialising in various makes of tea drank around the world,and below is a small selection of his extensive menu.
The Stevenage Special..good for long trips on the M25 slight lack of direction,but a tempting folly.
Nottingham Night Cap...a distinct aroma of Daffodils and can be easily mistaken for Onions.
Macnamara Menace...slight hint of the West Indies,but once stirred the aroma changes to the pungent smells of the Black Country coupled with the fumes of the M6 Toll road.
The Drummond Nightmare..a pungent,dry,vigorous taste mainly drank in the southern counties,very good for a stiff back,and also been mistaken for Essex Viagra in some quarters,but beware can be costly,and may make you break out into a cold sweat if you encounter it's namesake.
The Geordie Dream...grown on the the steep banks of Newcastle in the dry season,along with Newcastle Brown,a very popular drink of the Magpies??
Gives a hint of taste very similar to a Macdonald,oweing to it's uncanny habit of losing your way,but has recently become popular in Birmingham.
20 February 2007

david | d.blower@thedump.co
perrier your a licker
20 February 2007 - at home

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
david is a much maligned fellow and has many skills and should not be belittled about his tea making ability this is a mundane job and david is to busy a guy to do or refine these skills i feel he has enough to do motivating people for the reunion call me a licker but im proud to call dave my mate
19 February 2007 - stevenage

A rare occasion
A unique experience happened this weekend Dave after 34 years of marriage made a cup of tea all on his own, with only a few instructions from Anne who we were staying with. he has now after returning home had an allergic reaction and has taken to his bed muttering something about "that *%$£@ perrier will be the ruin of me" the kettle has been banned from the house until his recovery is complete.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Annie who?
Annie chance of a cup of tea!!!
18 February 2007

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