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derek | magekey@hotmail.co.uk
Brian,keep up the good work,was a pleasure to meet you and your better half in Spain
P.S. Happy Birthday
12 March 2010 - Down N.I.

bob you know that while we have our good ladies {god bless them] we never really retire and then we dont want too so its just as well ,oh and for gods sake stop crowing about your weather.
11 March 2010 - sunny? stevenage herts

Bob | Bobr@norex.com.au
Thanks for that Dave sorry it turned to frost I'd forgotten what frost looks like we are back to glorious Autumn weather only trouble is spent most of yesterday cutting grass, trimming the roses and mending fences to stop the dog getting out we should have called her Houdini its almost 8am Thursday suns out been told I have to spray the weeds I thought I was retired work harder now than I did and I dont get paid
10 March 2010 - Sunny Gold Coast

Marina (Woody's mad offspring) | marina.wood@gmail.com | www.justgiving.com/Marina-Wood
Hi, Dave. I just wanted to let you know I've been busy canvassing and advertising Goldings with the local rag. There should be pictures and a write up in next weeks Ely Weekly news which I'm over the moon about and just thought I'd let you know that thanks to the kindness of the guys on here and friends of mine my fund-raising is going phenomenally well.

I still have a target of £1,600 to get but am already over a third of the way there with donations and pledges.

With the local paper being able to promote www.goldings.org too I am hoping you'll find an influx of traffic to this site too!

I'm sorry I hadn't been able to message you before but I've been trying hard, alongside Dad to promote everything here and now with the paper helping I'm hoping this will really help the work Banardos do. I'm so proud to be able to do this for all of you.

10 March 2010 - Ely (and found slowly jogging the surrounds)

Many thanks Bob for sending the rain!but on it's way it turned into Frost!
9 March 2010 - Boiler room at Goldings..getting a warm!

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