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Viewing messages 3586 to 3590.
bob robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
were are you all no messages since the 25th, its summer here now bloody hot
you could fry an egg on my workshop roof yesterday bobr
1 December 2009 - australia

alan Dearman | alan.Dearman@ntlworld.com
As I'm getting married at Christmas I can't afford a Tenner for Brian so you better put me down for £20.00
good look brian, keep up the good work
25 November 2009 - Nottingham

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave put me down for £20 I will also sponsor Brians good will, yes we must keep our wonderfull Reunion going
Len Goldings 1944-48 Aberdeen [the best ] no 92
25 November 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
this Pom down Under would like to join the donations list could do with losing a few pounds myself put Joyce and I down for 20 pounds Bobr
25 November 2009 - stinking hot Australia

brian aka sgt wilson
thanks for your support lads glad you want to see less of me.
good health and god bless all
25 November 2009 - sunny stevenage on duck pond

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