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Viewing messages 3591 to 3595.
I have had today the music of the Goldings band which was taped on reel to reel put on C.D.and you can clearly hear the Drum Major giving instructions to the band, and I'm hoping some one can recognize the voice so we can put a year to it as the year hasn't been put to it
24 November 2009 - Keep in Step Lad ! As we go to Church!

john horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Hi Dave.
please add me to my friend Brians brilliant idea to raise funds for future reunions put me down for the full monty including the £20 bonus.
john horn aberdeen 42-45.
24 November 2009 - up north

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Brian
I will sponsor you for the ammount stated on Daves note, very best wishes and take it easy. John
24 November 2009 - Hertford

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Add my name too, and a big kiss as a bonus
23 November 2009 - LONDON

two sausages bob
YES NEVILLE like you said nobody got a look in, because in MACANDREW with Brian at the front getting his two sausages, and then going to the back of the queue to get some more. l know l got the two sausages,so l would like to say good luck Brian.
Bob and Roma
22 November 2009 - bahamas

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