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Viewing messages 3601 to 3605.
Sailor Drummond don't you ever go past the guest book? please refrain from using my name in vain.When you were sailing the worlds oceans didn't you learn anything other than drinking your rum ration's and telling us all them fishy stories!how you single handed protected the "boat" from pirates,you sound a bit like Fraser.The rumour has it that you was only on the Channel run you old "Salt"
"Well done again my old mate Pete and Ann.
21 November 2009 - Drummond from Dover

Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
brian I too will sponser you in your quest to lose weight and like woody top the kitty up by twenty quid, come on Mr Blower get your pledge in and support brian
21 November 2009 - wet and windy chatham

Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
Great to read your message Alan I agree some had it tough when you read their stories it is horrific, but we must not allow all homes and staff to be tarred by the same brush, I was at Barkingside too and had wonderful houseparents also at Watts School, there was always the exception but I never saw any abuse of any child and was shocked when in later life I began to read on the internet some of the stories of Barnardo children, I guess we were lucky, however it is important that the memory of those great staff is not tarnished by blanket accusations
I would hate to see the great name of Goldings tarnished by political leaders who have no inside knowledge of the wonderful work most staff undertook, I ask all careleavers to remember what their life was like before entering Barnardos Care, I once again say thank god for Dr Barnardo
19 November 2009 - Gold Coast Australia (send us some rain)

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
The whole issue surrounding the subject of migration is complex and I don't try to understand it fully, but we have to be careful not tar all child institutions with the same brush. For those who suffered abuse through migration, my heart goes out to them but we must not think negative as there must be many who benefited from the migration programme and it would be nice to hear some positives from migration.
For many of us who were in Barnardo's, it was a wonderful experience and you only have to look at our web site and attend our reunions to see the evidence.
I'm sure Barnardo's would be the first to admit that the migration programme was not one of their better actions but it was carried out with all the best intentions at the time. I agree with Bob, we only recieved the best from all the staff at Goldings and from a personal point of view, the same is to be said for my time at Barkingside also.
On the subject of apologies, I find it sad that our own Prime Minister has to wait for the new year to make his. What bothers me, is which new year?
18 November 2009 - Nottingham

Fraser and Mainwerring
Wilson! Wilson! pay attention,the platoon will sponsor you for £30-00 and if you can get Drummond to buy the Platoon a drink we will double it.
"Come on boys three cheers for Wilson!Wilson!Wilson! you are not paying attention again"
"Well done Uncle Arthur have one of my 100's and 1000's"
"Well done boys dismiss"
Mr Mannering if he lose's all this weight WERE DOOMED"
17 November 2009 - Walmington-on Sea

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