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Any chance any of you can get this in your local paper, the letters page?

Is it possible to insert this on your letters page.
The WILLIAM BAKER TECHNICAL SCHOOL, GOLDINGS, HERTFORD, a Barnardo home tucked in to 100 acres of grounds by the village of Waterford.
Who can recall this wonderful school for Barnardo boys, and a credit to Barnardo’s for their forward thinking that helped teach the boys a trade which would help them climb the ladder of success which many of them didn’t experience until they became a
“Goldings Boy”
The school compared to others didn’t have a very long life 1922- 1967, but it’s name is still recalled today not only by the “Boys” but also by former staff with fond memories, and also people who were aware of it’s presence in the community.
Since 1958 and unofficially before, the school has held it’s annual reunion back in their adopted town of Hertford every year without fail, and many travel from the Commonwealth to be among the many friends they made when they lived at “Goldings” who after Goldings emigrated.
This idea of a reunion was the brainchild of Mr Wheatley who suggested the first Saturday in October. Mr Wheatley was our headmaster from 1945-66, shortly before the school closed, and must be credited with the many improvements to the school and innovations that are still to this day reborn as modern ideas! Along with his loyal staff, and many were local people, many success were achieved.
Many of the boys remained in Hertford and married local girls, so if you were once a “Goldings Boy” or you are in touch with any of them please mention our forth coming reunion for this year which will be held at Sele Farm Community Centre, Perret Gardens, Longwood Road, Hertford, SG14 2LW, anyone is welcome who holds an interest in Goldings, or Barnardo children, and admission is free. On the day we display many images of Goldings and surrounding area’s from yesteryear that many will find interesting to recall.
We have through Helen Gurney, Hertford Museum had wonderful support with this project, and this year we will be once again supported by the Mayor and Mayoress of Hertford who will be in attendance at our reunion.
If you require further information, please visit our web site www.goldings.org or contact me on

Many thanks for taking the time to read this letter.
4 September 2009

Burrty | burrty69 @bt.com
Hi Dave and all,
Happy to say I'll be able to come to the reunion this year.
As you know last year my daughter decided to give me my 4th grandson on the day of the reunion.
I've been reading a lot about our Peter lately, I've always said you can dress him up, but you can't take him out anywhere.
3 September 2009 - bournmouth

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Dave and Mal, no need to say thanks for another good weekend.
Just phoned the White Horse to book a room, and the manager said for what day, as I dont have a calendar I said the 1st Saturday in Oct. Oh he said, are you with the Goldings Old Boys? yes I said, he said can you reasure me there wont be a recurrence of last year, what I said?. he had just taken on a new Polish waitress called lorraine, and when she went to take her 1st order, one of your old boys who was drunk said, give me a kiss lorraine, and she came back to the kitchen in tears. I had to explain o.k I know he was drunk, but all Peter wanted to know was do you have Quiche Lorraine so now alls o.k. the phone has rung so I'll have to go, looking forword to seeing you all again,

2 September 2009 - LONDON

Mr Wilson Macandrew House.
Right then Drummond, stand by your bed.
As you can see from the message below that the Mayor will be in attendance at our reunion,so just make sure you wash behind your neck this time,not just splashing water on your face! we don't won't you loosing us down again like you did in the White Horse!
31 August 2009 - Standing by with the Carbolic

Pat Chappel
Dear Mr Blower

Goldings Old Boys Reunion.
Thanks for your recent invite to the Mayor of Hertford to the forthcoming Goldings Old Boys Reunion.
I can confirm the Mayor, Cllr David Poole, would be delighted to attend on Saturday 3rd October at 11.30a.m.He will be accompanied by the Mayoress Mrs Joyce Poole.
Many Thanks P.Chappel
The Mayors Office.
31 August 2009 - Castle Grounds

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