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angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Yes Happy Birthday Bill, I hope you have a great day.
I look forward to seeing you again and having another pint or two.
All the best to you and Henry.
Tony Angell
9 March 2009 - LONDON

John Horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Happy birthday Bill Roe I'll Buy you a pint when I come up to Lowton when the weather improves.
Your 81 year old Goldings brother.
John Horn.
9 March 2009 - Manchester.

John Horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Hi John Sansom.
Your query about Mr.Sandman,sorry I didn't know him if as Dave says he was a fighter pilot during the war I would not have met him unless he visited golding during 1942 to 1945 my years there, and who was scoffer, was he a master or just one of the boys.?
keep well john see you at the next re-union.
John Horn.
9 March 2009 - Manchester.

Many happy returns to Bill Roe, Mount Stephen Old boy 71 today. Have a great day Bill from us all.
Tell your Henry the drinks are all on him today as it's your birthday
9 March 2009

Dave | www.john-dunne.com
I had a phone call yesterday from Alan Sibbons he's asked me to say hello to everyone he's not on computer now.
He also told me his sister Julie has written a play based on her own experience as a Barnardo girl.It is being performed in London Camden Square this Tuesday, if anyone would like to see it.

London Irish Theatre presents...A double bill of new writing

The Shoes by Julia Sibbons
A rehearsed reading of a new play which concerns a woman who finds herself presented with her care records at Barnardo's headquarters. Confronted by her past, a past that was previously denied her by law, she begins to reflect on her memories.

Jumping off Cliffs by Philippa Tatham
A second generation Irish woman returns to Northern Ireland to attend her gran's funeral and deal with the past, present and future.

Tue 10th March 09 @ 8pm Admission free (donations welcome)
The London Irish Centre, Camden Square NW1 9XB

7 March 2009

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