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Viewing messages 4426 to 4430.
George Best | www.pchomehelp.net
You are all wrong, when I was there in 44-48 Buxton was for the ones that could not hold on to their Water so there Brian
25 March 2008 - some other place

Webmaster comments   well done len,that brian don't know what he's talking about (Henry the Hammer)

brian | justasplash@macandrewwing.com
dave me thinks you accuse to quickly when it was known as a matter of fact it was somerset that was the home of the bedwetter and incontinent
24 March 2008 - below the parapit

Wet Wet Wet Marty Pelham
we have it on good authority from David Barlow,that you were the worst,and you was all given a bucket after lights out to put by your beds to try and solve the "Pelham Syndrome"
as the peg idea failed miserably.

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Dave, I very much resent being called a "BED WETTER have you forgoten that I was also in Pelham ?
24 March 2008 - still in Nottingham( I Think!!! )

Captain George Mainwaring
Don't tell them your name Pete !!!
24 March 2008 - Pikey

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