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Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
As this years reunion fast approaches,
I can't help thinking about an incident that happened at last years
event. On paying a visit to the loo, I
found one cubicle occupied so I entered the empty one, closed the door, dropped my trousers and sat down. After a few momments a voice from the next cubicle said "Hello mate, how are you doing?" I thought it a bit strange but not wanting to be rude I replied "OK, not to bad thanks."
After a short pause,I heard the voice again "So, what are you up to mate?"
Again I answered, somewhat reluctantly it must be said and unsure what to say, I replied "Umm, just having a quick poo, how about yourself?"
I then heard the voice for the third time....
"Sorry mate, I'll have to call you back, I've got some dick head in the next cubicle answering everything I say.
4 September 2007 - Nottingham

Bob rang me yesterday from his carribean retreat to tell me he would like to name Brian Perrier as his choice as one of the signatures to any Goldings cheques.

He also believes we had a school scarf?? red, black, and gold? and mentioned perhaps Pop remembers, as I don't. Also he tells me we also had a school Mac?? any help on that one? myself I think only he had the Mac...to conceal the assortment of goods .. acquired in Hertford. He also mentioned the "Crocodile Walk" up Bramfield as punishment for miss deeds with Mr Allen?? Thats his starter for ten.
4 September 2007 - Bramfield Lane

Dave, sorry to have heard the sad news of the passing of Jimmy, I know that he will be missed.

Although he and me never quite got on, that was more down to me and my ways, than it was him at fault. As is evidenced by the many fond memories that I have read on the site.

Not been up to doing much myself of late, (nothing new there, I hear you mutter). Must be starting to get a bit older, as have recently been staying in a type of B&B called the NHS. Lovely tottie there, but would have been better to have been enjoying good health at the same time as viewing the talent on display.

I’ll be doing my level best to attend the reunion at some point during the day, if I’m not in B&B again. It will be good to see a few of those familiar faces again.

As for a nomination to the signature for the bank balance, I would like to see our trusted friend Brian as one of those with that responsibility. as a sign of respect that I have for him and the trouble he takes, along with his family, to ensure everyone is welcomed at the reunion.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Take care my friend, and hopefully we’ll be facing each other again soon.

All the best to you and the family.

Woody and crew.

F J Wood.
4 September 2007 - Ely

Winston Norton | WinNrtn@aol.com | na
The turn-out at Jimmy's funeral was an indication of the respect and love felt for him by all walks of the community. I was particularly impressed by the courage, dignity and fortitude shown by his family. Joan , in her immense grief, managed to comfort and support many of the mourners with friendly and positive words. Glyn and Pauline were superb in supporting their mum, and the grandchildren and great-grandchildren all did their share. One thing I learnt from the day was that it is so important to let people know what you think of them while they are still with us. I know Jimmy would have really appreciated the turnout and positive comments. Looking forward to seeing many longstanding friends at the reunion. Winston Norton.
3 September 2007 - Hertford

Dave Blower
It's probably a bit premature of me so shortly after the loss of Jim,but the re-union requires a treasurer who can hopefully continue the work so ably carried out by Jim,I can't assume that Joan will carry the flame for Jim,which would be my answer to the situation.We must never put the re-union in the position it was a few years ago were one person controlled the bank and signing of cheques.So we need five signature's,and any two can sign cheques with the agreement of the following three.This situation is open to anybody who feels that they can suggest any other system that they feel is simpler..I leave that with all of you or possibly discuss it at the re-union for those that are not on computer.In the meantime I will pay outstanding monies by my own personel cheque's untill it has been agreed,as I don't at this stage intend to bother Joan with what appears trivial after her loss of Jim.I can bank cheques at the moment,but withdrawals can only be made by John Sansom,who you must not expect to run around for us without the help of Jim,and John Hunt who we also sadly lost since the last re-union.Just bear in mind that it is very practical to have somebody in Hertford to carry out bookings and many other chores which enables the re-unions to take place,and take place they will in honour of all Goldings boys and staff who are no longer with us.
Jim's funeral was certainly well represented by many Goldings boys??and the many friends he had outside of Goldings connections.I only knew Jim myself from the last few years,which is strange really because he was a Print Master when I was at Goldings,and one time we did re-call when in 1964 when I was in the team that played the annual match up top field between boys and staff we pondered over both our photo's from that year in the Goldonian,and he looked me in the eye and said "Was you in the team that year" I said "Yes Jim there's me in the team photo" he quickly replied "If I knew that was you then, I would have kicked you all round the pitch!!" "Jimmy you will be sadly missed"
1 September 2007

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