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10 October 2007

Mr Nixon
The following boys are on report due to there antic's at the reunion.
Tommy and Billy Hill
Throwing buttered bread around the hall.
Paul Walkenden Chatting up under age midget at the White Horse Hotel after 12'o'clock??
Brian Perrier Betting on horse's in reunion time (which is clearly visible on the latest reunion photo's.
Tony Angell Clearly seen coming out of the pub by Hertford North Station,when confronted by a master? said "I only went in for a packet of crisp's"??
The worst offence was carried out by the Burton's Dummy (bulldog)If you wasn't aware he was wearing the suit given to him when he left Goldings.He has over the years has had the waist altered numerous times to accommodate his expanding waist line,to the point now were he hold's his trousers up with a snake belt from the "Outsize Mans's Shop"
Had a great day "see you all next year" Goldonian October 2007
10 October 2007

John Horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Hi Dave and Mal.
What a great day it was at our reunion, you did a grand job.
Many thanks to you Mal, Ellen,Brian,James,and Ann for putting me up for two nights B and B plus all the other helpers, it was so nice to meet old friends again Len Harpin, Henry Peet, and Bill Roe and family.
already looking forward to reunion 2008
John Horn.
9 October 2007 - Manchester

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Dave
Many thanks to you and your helpers for a verry enjoyable reunion, the hall was excellent, with plenty of room for everyone a verry good choice!
The only sad thing was the our missing
friends, who are no longer with us, we are though all the better for knowing them and their memory will live on through the reunion. I was verry sorry to hear that Brian isnt well again, our thoughts are with him and his family. Once again Dave thanks for all you do, best wishes to you and the family John S
9 October 2007 - Hertford

Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Apart from the remarks made about my salvation army suit which had sleeves and trouser legs, and the gear Mr blower was wearing were missing these optional extras I think the re-union went very well and many thanks to the hard working ladies in the kitchin.
9 October 2007 - The garden of eden

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