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Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Everone,
I went to the Pub again on Sunday afternoon and for the second week running, bumped into Bob Bone ( before I continue, He is now known as Bob Jorden ) We spent two hours talking about our experiences at Goldings. During our chat we got on to the subject of Wimbledon. As many will know, Bob was a Centre Court ball boy in 1956 - 57 and 58. He told me a couple of stories. One interesting and one humorous. The interesting one was regarding Althea Gibson, who was the first black player to win Wimbledon when she won the lady's title in 1957. In 1958 she reached the final again and as a jesture, Dixie Deane was selected to ball boy in the final which was again won by Althea Gibson. As Bob told me, not many know that. On the humorous side, he recalled the story about the Rev Corbett, who we all know, was a strong disciplinarian. As most will know, the outside courts were divided by a green canvas partition. If the Rev Corbett saw a ball boy slacking or leaning against the canvas, he would creep up behind the canvas and place his boot up the offenders backside. On one occasion he got it wrong and booted the backside of a line judge in error!! Great stories ay ?
3 December 2007 - Nottingham

the kidder
isn't it sweet how kids light up our lives.
30 November 2007 - switching off the fuse box

robinson hill
did you hear about bob macnamara,he was that hungry marooned on a island in the caribbean he ate his dictionary
30 November 2007 - cairns

bob and roma
it must be the shed at the bottom of the garden, not the light's.mel keep's putting the light's on for you when you shout from the bottom of the garden.and the other good thing in walsall is the road to tamworth snow dome of which you know. and now getting ready for the snow this xmas
29 November 2007 - over the pond

Made in Walsall
One of the top three records over xmas.
Connie Talbot from Walsall sings,
"Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Connie,a pupil at Blackwood Primary school, switched on Walsall Christmas Lights.So along with Jerome K Jerome who wrote "Three Men in a Boat,Noddy Holder from Slade and Dave from Goldings "with the Echoes"...more talent flows out of Walsall??
27 November 2007 - Please no sarcastic comments

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