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farmer fred | send4peter@talktalk.net
Farmer Giles gets a phone call from his farm hand dave

"I've run over a pig and it's stuck under the tractor, still alive...." "Shoot it", says the farmer, "and then bury him". A little while later he gets another phone call. "Done that, what should I do with his speed camera?!"

3 October 2007 - downthere somewhere

Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Tony you know dave is not allowed out without a chaperon, mel will be there as always even though she still did'nt get her holiday in the sun and dave's still got that ten bob note from 1962.
3 October 2007 - sunny kent

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
brian, what do you men rowdy crowd I didn't think mal was coming this year
3 October 2007 - london

brian | theboysinblackandwhite@cravencottage.com
alan it will be like being at forest on saturday same sort of crowd rowdy and not many of them
1 October 2007 - sw6

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi to you all,

Just returned from Ibiza earlier today and looking forward to seeing many old and new friends at the reunion next Saturday
30 September 2007

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