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Dave Blower Somerset No 22
Well were do I start? once again the Perrier family were at the breach,and just after Brian was taken in to Hospital with a suspected heart attack,we all wish you well Brian.Even though you were ill before the re-union,you still made it on the day.Helen dealt with the funds with vigour,I don,t think anyone escaped our raffle tickets,but if you did you will be charged double next year? And what can I say about the man with the Burtons sale suit,and his partner Ann,along with her help in adding glamour to the Kitchen? and of course the many Old Boys and their families who once again made it such a success, which goes to show that when Goldings boys do anything those famous old words returns "Finis Coranat Opus" to end the occasion once more.I also would like to thank Brian Cunningham for the interesting photo,s he gave me for the site,along with a long lost plan of the print shop with the intended lay out for Ware Art School after H.C.Council moved in.It will shortly be displayed on the site,for many of you printers to recall the rooms in your days spent at Goldings. Also Dick Lang who also gave me many interesting photo,s and band certificates to display shortly on the site.A detailed set of accounts will be displayed when all the figure's for the day are sorted out,along with a copy of our bank statement.I would also thank Eugene Flannery for allowing "Pop" to take a private visit around the grounds and mansion on the day.The comment from Paul in flat No 9 was we as residents don't mind you walking the grounds,but just respect out privacy?. The visit with "Pop" was very interesting especially a few of his stories he recalled,"Don't forget your key next time Pop" Thanks to all who made it such a success.
9 October 2007

Alan Dearman (Member of Barnardo National Council) | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave,
I'm sure I speak for all those who attended this years reunion on October 6th when I extend my hearty thanks for another great day and for all the hard work involved and the time given by your family and Brians. The ladies in the kitchen kept us all well fed and watered throughout the day and evening. Once again, a big thank's to everyone concerned.
9 October 2007 - Nottingham

8 October 2007

Len & Chris Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
HI Dave & Mal once again thank you for a wonderfuull time we had at the 2007 Reunion. But not. Forgetting all the hard work put in to it bye , your children .& Brian & his Wife & also his Family .& Ann .The thing about a Reunion it soon goes time waits for no one , some people do not under stand how hard it is to .Organise sutch an event, again the weather was with us . The hall was the best we have ever had .Do you know Dave a Reunion is the place to find people you have not met for 50 plus years I met up with John Horn ,also Les Greennorth .Best of luck to all the boys there wives & family THATS all we .are going away for a Holiday to spain on Monday, HA HA
7 October 2007 - Colnbrook Slough

Jo Bathurst on behalf of Dicky Davies | jo.bathurst@ntlworld.com
The front page picture of the wimbledon ball boys was taken on 24th June 1951. These were the ball boys for the 1951 wimbledon fortnight being the last week of June, first week of July. Photo was taken during the 3 day training period prior to the competiton starting. Anyone wishing to contact Dicky Davies please contact me (Jo) his youngest daugther and i will pass on your contact details. He is unfortunately unable to email at present as he has only just moved and computer is not yet set up.
4 October 2007 - Dicky Davies lives in Clacton

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