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Dave Blower
Hello Majorie,I am so sorry to hear that another one of our Goldings lads is no longer with us,I'd just like to send my families condolences to you and your family,and I'm sure that this will be supported by all Goldings personel,and especially his former immediate friends.
Bill Kemp R.I.P.
15 October 2007

email recieved from Marjorie Kemp
Hello Dave

As you know Bill Kemp was a Goldings Boy!
It is with Regret I have to tell you Bill Passed away last Wednesday 10th Oct after a very short illness.
I thought you might like to know the Funeral is on 23 Oct 2 pm at Christ Church in Ware.
Any of his old school friends are more than Welcome. I don't know where the Funeral Reception is yet but will let you know!
His Wife
Marjorie Kemp

15 October 2007

just butter them up
Many thanks to Alan Dearman for re-union photo's sent in (when's yours arriving bulldog,get your hand in your pocket)The one photo clearly show's the culprit to the bread missile which was aimed at the other table.Clue,he was in Cairns,He's very Keane on his football team.His name rythme's with window sill? Guess Who??
15 October 2007

Sent to Antiques Roadshow
Do you think you could value?? a photograph of a very young Michael,at my former school in 1963.William Baker Technical School (Goldings),a former Dr Barnardo's home.We also believe after the Cricket match Michael and his group went down to the Waterford Arms in Waterford,and drank the pub dry?? Take a look in at our site!
Many Thanks
Dave Blower 62-65
14 October 2007

Bob Robertson ( Arthur) | bobr@norex.com.au
Hi all sorry was not able to make Reunion from your postings it would appear to be another success, Joyce and I will try to make next years her Mum lives at Brickendon and is well into here 80s so we need to come soon as we are now retired it should be easier.
Read the comments about Burtons I used to work their as a Saturday Salesman when the shop was on the corner of the little lane cant remember the name also had a Weekend evening job at the Three Tuns Pub as a barman and a evening job at Hertford Hospital during the week as a nursing attendent used to go straight from Goldings and work till 10pm those were the days
11 October 2007 - Gold Coast Australia

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