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Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Ann and I have just booked our holiday in spain for next year, will send Mal the details and maybe you will get that ten bob note out of your wallet and treat her to a holiday in the sun.
See you soon SCROOGE
30 September 2007 - Waterlogged kent

28 September 2007 - ANNIES LITTLE HELPER!

Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
keep sending your jokes and don't forget your money on the 6th the boys will be dying for a drink and Mal wants to go shopping for a hoilday in the sun possiblly somewhere that cost lots of money
28 September 2007 - Waterlogged kent

Thomas the Tank
A few weeks ago in Kent,one of our lads was waiting on the station platform for a train.The train inspector had been watching him,but couldn't understand that he wasn't getting on any trains.At this he approached him and said "Excuse me,what train are you waiting for,as you've been here all day but havn't boarded any trains yet" Peter replied "I'm waiting for the train to Jepordi to get a job?" "But I don't know of a Town in Kent called by that name,you will have to leave this station otherwise I will call the Police!" Peter said "I'm not moving till it arrives" At this the Police called round and once more asked him were he was bound for or otherwise leave the station."I'm waiting for the train to Jepordi to look for a job" "You have been told by the station master,there is no town in Kent by that name" Peter replied "O yes there is,it was on the nine'o'clock news? 5000 jobs in Jeopordy!!
27 September 2007

Hello Lenny
Which pair of plonkers stood outside Lenny the Lions dressing room trying to get his autograph in the show with Joe Brown in 1964??
One lives close to Hertford,and the other is in sunnier part of the world were they drink rum, and eat jerk chicken?
26 September 2007 - Adelphi Theatre London

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