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Mr Windsorknot
perhaps this will put this mystery to bed once and for all.quote from goldonian headed NEWS OF GOLDINGS OLD BOYS spring 1965
GREEN RICHARD Have had one or two letters off Richard over the last two weeks,and he was inquiring the wereabouts of David Hilton and "Harry" Heath.Also very interested in designing a School Scarf and Tie !!
Goodmayes Essex
26 September 2007 - Tieland

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Yes I remember Carbolic Soap, but do not remember a Goldings Tie. I remember a boy comming to Goldings from Watts Naval training school, as you know the crease's in a navy pair of trousers are inside out so when he came on Church Parade on Sunday Morning he had crease's on the inside Instead of the outside. He had to wear them because he was not issued with the Goldings clothes' silly billy.
26 September 2007 - Colnbrook Slough

Somerset Superman
Yes Winnie there was carbolic soap, but was there a school tie ????
25 September 2007

Winston Norton | WinNrtn@aol.com
Do you remember putting carbolic soap on the inside creases of your trousers to make the creases sharper? A brilliant idea, until it started to rain . . .
25 September 2007 - Hertford

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Peter you shoud remember the tie as you used it to keep your trousers up,
like most Macandrew boys, a bunch of scruff's.
See you soon.
25 September 2007 - London

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