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Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Dave i'm like many of the lads I don't remember a school tie or scarf,
24 September 2007 - Waterlogged kent

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Dave
Many thanks for the Wimbledon photo, I shall enjoy making my brain wake up to remember some of the lads from long ago. I do wonder if Derek Pain has the correct date, as many of the lads who were at Wimdledon then are missing from the photo. I shall speak to Len Mott at the reunion, as he is on the photo. Many thanks once again Dave, I look foward to seeing everyone on the 6th John S
23 September 2007 - Hertford

Mr Nixon
Mr James Chapman,you have half inched my hymn book,bring it to the reunion,otherwise I will put you on report along with that other scallywag John Horn
21 September 2007 - In the "font" taking a bath??

John Horn | johnmark,horn@btinternet.com
I did have a Goldings hymn book for a number of years but can't find it now. What I have got is a presentation new testament on being confirmed by the Bishop of StAlbans in 1943.
I also have a holy bible presented to me on leaving Barnardo's it has a inscription on the inside cover that reads "Presented to John Mark Horn.on leaving the homes With best wishes for his future welfare and prosperity.from his sincere friend.D.J.MacAndrew."
Chairman of the executive committee 28th Febuary 1945.
John Horn.
21 September 2007 - Manchester

i was up in the loft the other day and came across my goldings hymn book has anyone still got theirs? ummm and did those feet
20 September 2007

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