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Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Dave, dont know much about the tie, dut I do know we had a school scarf, main colour green and blue. o.k.
Just thought dont forget to bring the bugle so I can play come to the cookhouse.
18 September 2007 - london

John Horn | johnmark,horn@btinternet.com
I can't remember having a school tie Dave back in 1942 but we did have a house tie in the house team colours Aberdeen house was red and black,you were allowed to wear a civvie tie going down the town if you had one.
I acquired one off a hard up new boy for a stever.
18 September 2007 - Manchester

Dave Blower
I've been looking into the colour and design of our school tie.William Moreton 1938 says it was claret,gold,and blue,and has still got it,striped diagonally across it.Any one else can help me on this one "Pop" Also some of you beleive we had a school scarf??Help Dave.
18 September 2007

The Impossible Miracle
A few years ago now, one of the Goldings boys were on the way to the Pearly Gates, and was greeted by St Peter and Angell? Hello there Peter, can you open the gate's so I can come in. I am so sorry Paul, you will have to return to Earth and perform two miracles before we can loose you in. Well I suppose thats fair when I weigh up the wrongs I did at Goldings and never got caught, whats the two miracle's Pete (like all goldings boys,getting over familiar) I beleive you had a swimming pool at Goldings?
Thats right, the Council filled it in!Well St Peter said I want you to dig it out again and refill it with this bucket, and use the river for water, you have been given two hours to carry out this task? Christ...sorry a slip of the tongue, but that is a tremendous task to carry out, I'll struggle with that one!! St Peter said, okay then if you can carry out the second one you can forget the first. At this Paul was so releived, thanks Pete, I don't think I could have done that one. Just tell me the second one so I can enter the gates. At this St Peter said I beleive shortly you are having your school reunion in Hertford. Yes thats right Pete. On the day you must get that Peter Drummond to buy a round of drinks!!!.
17 September 2007 - Its Impossible to get a camel through the eye of a needle

Dave Blower | daveblower@btinternet.com
I am having problems with my email can you please use my other email address daveblower@btinternet.com
17 September 2007

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