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Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
It is with great regret that I learned of the death of Jimmy James, Jim was a compositor and served his apprenticeship with me back in the early 50s, Jim was a few years ahead of me, he was in the mono room with Ron Stackwood, I will be unable to attend the funeral please pass on to Joan and the family my regards BobR
PS thank you David for your email
25 August 2007 - Australia

Dave Blower
23 August 2007

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Alan Sibbons (Sibo) | jsja@telus.net
Hi to all you old boys, Sorry to hear about Jimmy, my heart goes out to his wife, friends and Barnardo brothers from Goldings. I know he will be sadly missed at all the reunions. God bless Jim till we all see you again.

Alan Sibbons (Sibo)
23 August 2007 - Canada

paul walkeden | j.walkeden@btinternet.com
Logged on 22/8/07 seen on guest book saddened for Jimmy one of the kindest masters at Goldings. Our hearts are with Jimmy's family. Paul Janet & Katie
22 August 2007 - England

peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
I have just read the very sad news and send our deepest condolences to jimmy's family.
Peter and Ann
22 August 2007 - kent

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