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Viewing messages 4731 to 4735.
Earing Ade
Did Blower tell you about his trip down to Hertford a few months ago.He was pulled over by the Police who told him "Did you not know your wife Mal fell out your car three miles back.
Know what he said "I thought I'd gone deaf"
16 August 2007 - Margate

The Chatham Plonker
This is not a pop at Peter Drummond,but his mate,also called Peter?uncanny don't you think? Well one day Peters mate..Peter said to Ann,( another uncanny coincidence once more don't you think)as Peter Drummond's partner is also called Ann.Anyway this Peter said to Ann his partner "Do you fancy a ride along the coast, we could go to Sheerness,kick off from Chatham? and spend the day along the coast,because we've been together a bit now and we do get on really well.Ann agreed excitily to this as this Peter? was well known for being "frugal" with his wallet?
It was a beautiful day,the sun was shining,so off they went along the coast on the A2 to Sheerness.After about 15 mins into the journey Peter?
"not our Peter??)put his hand on Ann's knee? at this Ann said "Well Peter we've known each other a little time now,you can go further if you feel like it" So they went to Margate??
16 August 2007

Dave Blower RE-UNION
Could everybody attending the evening meal at £7-00 each of eithier Chicken and Chips, or Fish and Chips, make your cheques out to GOLDINGS OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION indicating what you are ordering,and how many,then please post to my home address (on the re-union page)DO NOT SEND MONEY!! Dave
TRY TO DO IT BEFORE 22nd of September please,so we can place our order to the chippie.
A list of who is attending this year will once again be posted on the re-union page.
15 August 2007

Len & Chris Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi dont remember a. Macinnon only a .Mckinny he was my prefect in Aberdeen House in 1944-1948 . & remember the word .Tutty was what we called when we was going to have your hair cut. There was a. Mr Metcalfe that came out of the army in 1944 around the time of august if you told him how you wanted your hair cut it was a mistake, he would go straight over the top so you ended up with a crew cut , no one asked again.
15 August 2007 - Colnbrook Slough

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave, long time no communicate but first I would like to wish jimmy a speedy recovery and I'm sure Joan knows we are all thinking of them both.
Well dave, I have had more problems with my lap top. For the third time it decided to shed all my data, then would not restore windows and finally decided not to turn on. after talks with PC world, they conceded that there was a serious problem and decided to supply me with a new One. I am now trying to get my head around the new Vista soft wear but I am getting there.
Regarding the Reunion. I am looking forward to this years event but not yet sure who will be with me. I never had any reply from Glebefields Primary School in Tipton with regards to entertaining us at the reunion. Do we have any special plans for this years reunion as it is now getting close but I have the small matter of two weeks in the sun and a National Council meeting first. Kind regards to every one.
14 August 2007 - Nottingham

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