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Len & Chris Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave & Mal TIME IS SOON COMING FOR THE REUNION CANT WAIT ITS THE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR . WHERE WOOD WE BE WITH OUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU & YOUR TEAM . PS Chris is getting along great&.take care.looking Forward to the Reunion for a good old chat.
8 August 2007 - Colnbrook Slough

Len & Chris Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net

Sorry to hear that. Jimmy James is in .Hospital come on .jim get out of there it is not sick bay, all jokes aside get well soon mate see you at the Reunion Best of luck
8 August 2007 - At Home Slough

Email received
Dear Mr Blower,
Thank you for your letter addressed to Ian Ritchie dated 1 August 2007. Mr Ritchie is currently away on holiday, but I am forwarding a copy of your letter, in the meantime, to our Hon. Librarian, Mr Alan Little, who will be able to check our archives for any photographic material etc.
We will respond to your letter shortly.

Yours sincerely
Sharon Cloro
7 August 2007

Webmaster comments   Reference to The All England Lawn Tennis Club

josé | satinthebar@valentinstar.com
si senor it is flipping ot out ear going in for a sangia and swim cant stand all these scantily dressed senoretters will be glad to get back to the floods and misrable old biddies in anoraks see you soon love you all
1 August 2007 - menorca

John Sansom
Hi Dave
Even after all these years I can recognise most of the chaps on your photo, one of the strongest I think to represent the School. Three of the team lived in Hertford, though sadly only one Tom Matthews is still with us, Tom went on to play for Ware Town for many years, Tom and his wife Joan were at last years reunion. Len Wilson was on the photo I sent you taken at a 1990s reunion. Keep up the good work John S
31 July 2007

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