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Dave Blower email to D.M.Willacy sent today
Hello David, thats fine I will press on with the cup, and engraving.Could I suggest that the cup is presented annually, and a replica cup (smaller) is retained by the club recording their achievement. I will be in Hertford for our re-union on the 6th October, a day or so before, and a few days afterwards, perhaps I could bring it down with me to hand it over, once it's been displayed at our re-union. Thanking you in anticipation.
Once again I thank for your support in this project..take care
31 July 2007

santa claus
Paul Walkeden has asked us for suggestions for his xmas presents
A mirror on a stick (he hasn't seen his toes for years due to his stomach inflation)
A cross your heart bra??
A big man size girdle to wear at the re-union.
A pair of steps (to help him get into the cab of his digger)
A tub of greecian 2000,or ronuk??
A dvd of the "Great Escape"
Give Angus his chocolate back??
Own up about the half a crowns??
A tom-tom,cause he never got far when he was at Goldings.
Tell us the story of the door plate??
To be marooned on a desert island with no fags and with Drummond,Fairy,and Blower.
30 July 2007 - Cuffley

Buddy Holly
There is an old man from Kidsgrove,
To Goldings,and Sick Bay he strove,
For many years he returned
To take what he felt he once earned,
Untill one year with his blacked rimmed friend he espied
A lump in the rubble and tried
To beat his new found friend to the spoil,
He saw in the rubble and soil,
But what he forgot to remember,
His black rimmed friend was a former member,
Of the Somerset relay team those far off days,
So as he hesitated and sways,
His black rimmed friend returns and says,
You'll never beleive it...look,
I've just found the kitchen Clock,
Moral of the story "Beware of people wearing black rimmed spec's,
They don't always do what you expect.
26 July 2007 - Whats the Time Paul

paul walkeden | j.walkeden@btinternet.com
Its that handsome oldboy again all the
best looking boys were in Somerset
but there was a boy called Mick Hucknall who wore size 100 blacked rimmed glasses and I think he lived in Walsall.
26 July 2007 - england

son of dr beeching
yeh and what plonker or plonkers decided to close it that we will probaly never know
26 July 2007 - remembering

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