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Well Pop I have checked in the Goldonians,I'm afraid to say that you once were privledged to help develop such cute boys...from the 50's till it's sad demise forty years ago this year.
26 July 2007 - Walsall in the floods

D. M. Willacy
Dear David,
have a look at my rewording of your idea.
If you wish to plan ahead I anticipate the 'Golding' Final to be at the HFA County Ground, Letchworth Thursday 6th March with a ko of 7.30(TBC)
Keep in touch
Best wishes

The ‘Goldings’ Cup

Presented to the Hertfordshire Schools’ FA
by the old boys and staff of the

“Goldings” 1922-1967


for your achievement in the field of Football,
as we once achieved before you.

25 July 2007

Cliff Steele
Are you sure I was at the same school as you lot?

25 July 2007

a chance encounter
i had been sent down the hospital for an antitetanus injection. it was 9-15 in the morning there i was outside the main gate at the bus stop when a young lady appeared from the lane leading up to the tunnel. i new straight away who this was, as only the other week we had been firing stones at her bungalow which had some corrugated iron on the roof, this was easily done from the top of the entrance to the tunnel, we had been informed it would make ginger appear and negotiations would then take place. but instead of ginger her dad came out followed by ginger, he was going ballistic shouting all sorts of abuse at us we were gone in a flash fags still in the pocket and none the worse for wear. so here i was standing next to ginger i could feel her eyes staring at me, then came the voice of a soft spoken person, she said i recognize you, your one of those boys who were throwing stones at my house. umm i thought she doesnt sound to bad after all. i turned and looked her in the eye my bottom lip quivering with fear , my names Jim whats yours? 'ROWENA' she replied, i stood there silent for a moment and then asked do you smoke!!! no she said i gave it up not long ago, just then the bus appears we both got on and that was that.--- chapman
25 July 2007

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Bob would like to wish you all the best for your operation on Wednesday I remember your name but can not place you I was also in Shoe shop 1944-1948 hope you have a speedy recovery
24 July 2007 - Colnbrook Slough

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