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ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Here's my 2 bob,
I dont know any jokes, apart from my self.
Just thought, not only did Dave nick half my chips, at the mini reunion at his place, when I went to do my laundry I noticed he had wiped curry all down my England T shirt, god bless him he can't handle tesco beer, Mal gets it for him just to get him to go sleep.
I make it about 6 weeks before we all meet up again at the reunion. I am looking forward to that, and seeing all my Goldings brothers again. This time I'll be staying in the hotel with you, and not sleeping in my car next to Henry peet in his motor home cos he woke me up at 5 am in the morning to see if I had any bog paper.
See you soon Tony
20 August 2009 - tesco looking for daves beer

Rang Peter up last week,and he's just told me he has had a dog.I said to him "Thats nice Pete,whats his name "
He said "Chester"
I said "Thats a strange name Pete, why do you call him Chester"
"Well it's because we play each other at chess"
"I've never come across that before,it must be a very clever dog"
"Nah" Pete said "He's not that smart,I've beaten him three games out of five!"Down Boy
18 August 2009 - Down Boy

The Deep Fat Fryer
I went in the fish shop and said "Cod and Chips twice"
He said "I heard you the first time!"
18 August 2009 - Pizza Hut

Is that metric or imperial ?
18 August 2009 - Trying to measure up

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
You got it the wrong way round, it is waist 74 and top 46!

Education was obviously wasted.

Looking forward to the reunion.
16 August 2009 - The Fens

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