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Marina -the Wood clans eldest, and maddest | tremar3_3@hotmail.com | my.artezglobal.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=274699
I have now raised nearly £570 through pledges and donations. I just wanted to keep you updated and also Nag Dave into gettig me that running kit sorted :-D

12 August 2009 - currently avoiding redecorating my son's bedroom.

Alan and Margaret (Dearman)
Another one of your promised miracle's regards the fish,s!
The last one was when you promised to "Buy a round" in the White Horse and promptly vanished with your side kick David Barlow, which left eithier me or Drummond to pay? Guess who picked up the tab?
On a serious note Margaret,I got your message but the photo's didn't come through,tell him to pay his phone bill!
10 August 2009 - Brighton 0 Walsall 1

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Dave, Margaret said that 100 Goldings boys are not a problem. The story of Three Loafs and 5 Fish spring to mind and I will provide that Margarine which will be traditionaly cut into 9 pieces and I will sit at the head of the table!!!
5 August 2009 - Nottingham

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
So pleased to hear you have had your opp, and are back home again, look forward to seeing you at the reunion
Best wishes John S
5 August 2009 - Hertford

Julie Sibbons (Alan Sibbons sister) has just rang me to tell anyone who can make that her play is on for three days from today at the London Irish Centre, Camden Square, Camden called the "Shoes" It is part based on her own experiece in Barnardo's when she collects her records from Barkingside and then through her memories looks back at her time spent there.One of the Aftercare Team from Barnardo's will also be there to support her.So if you live close by help support another Barnardo child,and perhaps like Tony Angell last year, debate your own experience of your time in Barnardo's.Many thanks if you make it Dave.
4 August 2009 - A Supporter.

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