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Viewing messages 3781 to 3785.
nowt in the guild messenger again this month should we put some articles in or should there be sections on each home that is active :ie holding reunions.
currently they are bleeting on about not raising enough to keep it going then they must give us something to read of intrest to us old boys and girls that is barnardo's past not the work they are doing now. there got that gripe off my chest see you all soon
17 July 2009 - stevenage

Happy Birthday to the "Tele Tubby" just wasn't fast enough to get the kitchen clock!! but we got him on a photo "pinching" grass from Mr Wheatley's lawn! and apples from Embo's orchard.If Tony's paying you are all invited,I'll book the 40 seat resturant,then we'll find out who can still run!.Happy Birthday Paul from your old pal...Steptoe!
14 July 2009 - your cakes in the post Mr Blobby

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Happy birthday Paul, hope to see you before the reunion.
when I go up to Dave and Mal's for their famous "Saturday Night Curry and Chips"
Its my turn to pay.
I'm hoping to be there within the next 3 weeks on a Saturday, go back Sunday/Monday. So it would be great if you could make it on the Saturday.
We are hoping Keith Bishop comes along too. So have a great birthday. Tony.
14 July 2009 - LONDON

Len & Chris | chrislen@talktalk.net
Keep hold of that cheque. Rubber balls do come bouncing back so the cheque will be ok the Dam Buster's was pleased with their rubber bouncing ball.
The Slough Bank as been cleard ok
13 July 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

peter&ann | send4peter1@ymail.com
happy birthday Alan may you have many more
13 July 2009 - chatham

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