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Happy Days Are Here Again
A Goldings lad was cleaning his rifle when he accidentally shot his wife.He dialled 999 to say "It's my wife,I shot her,I killed her!"
Operator says, "Please calm down sir,can you first make sure she is really dead?"
BANG,OK,done that what's next.
29 July 2009 - My Hearing Has Been Restored

Tony is driving up to our house Saturday,and was also hoping that Paul,and Keith Bishop could also make it,or anyone that feels they can make it this weekend you are welcome, as I have just cleaned the shed out for any overflow! of persons
28 July 2009

ANGELL | tonylookingforadrinkfrompeter@pub.com
Hi Peter, just spoke to Dave on the phone, he said if you buy a round of drinks on Saturday, he'll let you stay in the house with the Aberdeen and Cairns boys, if they will have you.
Looking forward to that, mine's a pint of Fosters, Mal's a vodka,and Daves a pint of Whiskey
28 July 2009 - london

joshua daves grandson
what do you get if you cross a fish with a elephant?
swimming trunk!
my grandad said don't end up like them macandrew lot cause all they do is hang around for someone to buy them a drink
yellow and black the rest were cack
27 July 2009 - not at school yippee

from one of the Elite Members
Hi Dave and Tony, least Somerset was full of ambitious boys, the only hot air to come out of our dorm was when we was having our turkish baths when Mrs Goodman used to wake us up, there was lots of hot air. Imagine having rubber lips Wilson waking you say no more!
27 July 2009 - norfolk

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