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Viewing messages 3831 to 3835.
Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Looks like it's that time of year again with all the "dicky boys" leaving our shores for sunny times. On Friday I'm off to Spain again in the car to top up my tan, but not sure about drinking the Costa Brava Dry but will have a good try. Then On Monday, my old mate Dave Barlow is off to Ibiza but we did manage to get together for a couple of Drinks on Saturday(Rather than watch the FA Cup Final) when He and Dawn and a couple of their friends came over to Nottingham. We have today made our reservations at the White Horse Hotel in Heartingfordbury for the Reunion in October and we are looking forward to seeing many of our old friends. In the mean time, I wish you all a great summer.
1 June 2009 - Nottingham

Factor 15
Drummond,your taking the mickey,top up your "sun tan" how you going to do that Ann told me it's all inclusive so there's no way you will go on the beach if it's free drinks throughout the holiday,and Ann has told me that you have bought some new shorts (were they made in a tent factory)because they had no pockets.
31 May 2009 - Whiter Shade of Ale

john hombre(the spanish waiter manuel)
oula Peter & Ann
hope you enjoy your holiday I am in majorca just now going to the piano bar for a few beers.
31 May 2009

ANGELL | send4tony@aol.com
Peter,and Ann, I hope you have a good one.
If you havent all ready gone, all the best till October, Tony.
31 May 2009 - LONDON

peter | send4peter@spain.com
due to an urgent need to top up my sun tan I will off line for three weeks but I will be thinking of you all while trying to drink spain dry.
see you all soon
31 May 2009 - chatham/spain

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