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bob and roma
Hi Dave and Mal
its about time you took mal on a holiday so how are things going back in walsall its very hot out here need the a,c. still working hard out here just about finished the hilton, l dont think l will back in england this year as we are both having xmas out here next year l'll see you if the man upstairs says so as we are all old timers now, never mind you got your bus pass before me and walking stick see pops team went down they will be playing walsall next year anyway hope the family are all ok as we are so take care catch you all later bob and roma
3 July 2009

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
On about you coming to the reunion,try and get the old man to come as we havn't seen him for the last 2/3 years,said he was getting to old.
and,there is no smoking on the premise's
3 July 2009 - LONDON

Marina | tremar3_3@hotmail.com | my.artezglobal.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=274699
I am hoping to come along to the reunion this year to finally meet with the faces my Dad has been banging on about for the (however many) past years. However I will also be bringing with me, with permission, of course, a collection pot if anyone has any spare change to put into the fundraising fund.

Dave should, by then, have sent through the sponsorship running gear whilch I'll happily wear throughout the day. :-)

Happy Belated Birthday to Mal too.. was nice chatting with you the other evening.
3 July 2009 - Dreaming of a sandy beach and warm sea water

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Mal very sorry I missed your birthday but I've been in Ireland, and I dont have access to the internet in the village, but back now. I'll be back for 5/6 weeks and if work goes well I'll come up to see you and 10 bob, and I'll pay for the curry and chips.
all the best Tony
29 June 2009 - LONDON

road runner
spoke to gordon brown today and told him "ANN IS NOT GUILTY" (petes partner)as at the time of the alleged offence of speeding ann was at the reunion doing our spam sandwich's.he's promised to look into it when he's smoothed over the expenses situation!They are having a cabinet meeting tomorrow to discuss ann's situation.One cabinet minister said "if in the unlikley chance that she is found guilty...she can claim it on my expenses!
26 June 2009

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