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Len & Chris | chrislen@talktalk.net
Good morning Mal Have I forgot or am I senile?? was It your Birthday on the 24 of June if it was this is a late Happy Birthday x
25 June 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
If Mike Jarvis was the only One armed Ball Boy, I must have been the only one legged Ball Boy!! But to be honest, I did have my own leg when I went to Wimbledon in 1957 & 58 but did at that time wear leg Irons. During my time, The Rev David Applyard was in charge of the Ball boys and he felt that those of us who had a disability should not miss out on the oportunity to attend Wimbledon. Having said that, I guess I was a licker as I used to Baby sit for the Rev Appleyard and also sang in the choir.
Wimbledon was a special event but my lasting memories are those sweaty and stale jam sandwiches as we used to arrive back at Goldings after supper.
24 June 2009 - Nottingham

That's a great newspaper article about the wannabe ballboy. You should encourage the reporter to send it forward to one of the daily tabloids. It's still newsworthy during this fortnight - she gets a big fee and Goldings gets more publicity. Or how about a where is Bernard Nixon hunt.
23 June 2009 - 50 miles from Walsall

Dear Mr and Mrs Ram from up north, you must have been a licker to harvest the spuds in september. Me and the stallion was sent up in june and told not to come back until they were fully grown! we knew no better besides if you was not in the choir, Mr Nixon was quite a hard taskmaster!... was you in the choir!... me thinks so!
23 June 2009 - Cleaning Nixons Windows, I think i'll join the choir

The Ram
I don't remember picking spuds in june during my time at golding they must have been very early ones,it was always september/october.
by the way the farmers name was George Little and he had a farm hand by the name of Moses.
22 June 2009 - From the North.

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