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angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
happy birthday bobby, if you were hear I'd bake you a cake, and of course you would have 2 candles. Hope you make it back soon, so I can come up and see you in the black country!
29 May 2009 - LONDON

A house was burgled in the town yesterday, the police would like to interview the Man United midfield to find their where abouts on 27-5-09 between 8 and 10pm
28 May 2009

Happy birthday Bobby Mac
If your looking in from the Bahamas have a great day.
27 May 2009

Johnny Slipper the Fly Tipper
Hello Mr Waste Manager my day has been taken up consoling Newcastle Supporters,and one has donated next seasons ticket to the reunion raffle as a "booby prize" I know nobody will want it but I felt sorry for him.As regards coming to us for dinner Mal said "what do you want on your toast?"
25 May 2009 - Salvation Army having some dinner!

The Waste Management Company
Have you been anywere Dave today, we will have to go to Black Country Museum,see if Jack Cooper is in the kitchen making them pies, or you will have to come over for you dinners. Been in touch with Steven Kirkby, has he been in touch with you Dave, told him you was running web site. Say hi to Mal and Family, see you soon Dave
24 May 2009 - where thers muck there's money

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