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Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
Mal so sorry we missed your birthday many belated returns I hope you had a good day I suppose old TEN BOB is used to being called a mean Git.
By the way I still got those postcards I'll give them to you at the re-union
all the best

Ann and Pete
26 June 2009 - Chatham

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
The Cardiff Half-Marathon will be run on 18th October 2009.

Monies raise will be for (Dr.) Barnardos.

So far no new births are planned in the Wood Family for October, so I may even make the reunion this year! If so I will try and entice Marina along for the day, then some of us can race around the block with her for a practice!

Marina has her sponsor page at:


Where you can read more about the race and Barnardos (Dr.).
25 June 2009 - The Fens

The Do DO Bird
Well Alan I've never gave your dodgy leg a thought,cause when I shoot up the bar at the reunion to get a pint off you,in seconds your wallet snaps shut and you become a Olympic runner.
A pint off you is rarer than my name!
25 June 2009 - In training bottom field to catch you! this year

Yes Len you are right on both counts,yes it was her birthday,and funny enough when I gave her her present she also called me a MEAN GIT!
I can't see whats wrong with a Car Jack! we both can share it!
25 June 2009 - In the dog house!

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Dave while I am here Can you tell me when did Woody's Daughter or Grandaughter do her Run ,as. I sponsored her, could you let me know. Could you give me a loan to pay for it HA HA MEAN GIT
25 June 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

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