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John Horn
Hi Peter
sorry I missed your birthday on the day but may I wish you a delayed happy birthday and many more to come.
see you at the reunion and you can take me scrumping again at goldings.
15 May 2009 - manchester

hi dave no it wont cost me anything i shall call at malvern with a pop bottle for spring water
how are you dave and mel see you soon
15 May 2009 - stoke

Oh no you don't Walkeden, start buying him drinks and he'll never put his hand in his pocket!!!!!!
15 May 2009

brian | didwenickone@kingscross.org
peter you always was an old f**t getting there before us young uns happy birthday father time. cant wait to see you and ann at the reunion
14 May 2009 - camdenlockby thebikerack

Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Peter, I hope you have a good one,
and dont worry about coming to the reunion with a zimer frame, its your presence that matters. None of us are getting any younger,So, I hope you can still make it old boy.
14 May 2009 - london

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